Entries by Rimaa Bhushan

The Art of Minimalism: Decluttering and Organizing Your Home

As an interior designer, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of minimalism in countless homes. Let me guide you through the process of decluttering and organizing your space to create a haven of tranquillity and elegance. Begin by conducting a thorough inventory of your possessions. This is your chance to curate your environment intentionally. Assess each […]

Designing for Your Personality: Making Your Space Feel Just Right

Ever wondered why some spaces just feel “you” while others don’t? Well, let’s dive into the exciting world of interior design and how it can cater to different personalities and lifestyles. 1. The Minimalist Maven Are you a fan of simplicity and decluttered spaces? Minimalism might be your style! Stick to neutral colours, sleek furniture, […]

The Power of Client Testimonials in Interior Design Branding

In the world of interior design, client testimonials hold immense value as a branding and business growth tool. Positive reviews and testimonials serve as a compelling showcase of an interior designer’s skills and expertise, instilling confidence in potential clients. These endorsements offer social proof, illustrating real-life success stories that potential clients can relate to and […]

The Art of Creating a Signature Style: Personalizing Interior Turnkey Projects

In the world of interior design, developing a unique and recognizable signature style is more than just a creative pursuit; it’s a powerful tool that sets you apart as a designer. When working on turnkey interior projects, the challenge lies in infusing your personality into the spaces while ensuring they align with your brand identity. […]

Interior Designer’s Guide to Furniture and Decor Shopping

Welcome to the world of transforming spaces! As an interior designer, I understand the significance of furniture and decor in creating an inviting home. Here are some expert tips for a delightful shopping experience: Define Your Style: Begin by determining your preferred interior style – minimalist, contemporary, traditional, or eclectic. This helps streamline choices and […]