A House Is Incomplete Without Beautiful Corners

Do you often notice the bare corners of some homes and feel like something is missing?

Well, you feel so because definitely there is something missing. Most of the people, including a few designers, concentrate mainly on the more prominent spaces of the house. They ignore the corners, hallway, and foyer while designing spaces.

I feel these are equally important as they add vibrance to the entire look. Also, you can create a bit of drama and elegance when these spaces are styled well.

The foyer area is extremely important to create the first impression and also the curiosity of the complete look of the house. Similarly, bare walls leave a feeling of emptiness. So add some pictures, wall art, wall paper or artwork to make them appealing.

Corners can be made lively with decor, plants or just some statement lights.
Try these and give your space a level up in look and feel.